As you may know with my last post, Wattson had a mast cell tumor.
A few days ago, I noticed a small lump near Wattson's left eye, the same area where his last surgery was. So the next day we were off to the vet. Our Vet aspirated the lump and then examined the cells. He found one mast cell, we had a few options, and decided to go with immediate surgery (the next day), suggested by our vet. His surgery was minor compared to his last one, but still an inch long incision. The tumor is going to be sent off to a pathologist to see if the margins are clear, in other words to see if the cells haven't spread even farther, which in that case he will have to operate again. The next step would be to remove his eyelid, but hopefully the margins will be clear. When mast cell tumors spread, the condition is called mastocytosis.

I set up the kennels for Wattson as he came home from surgery today. He has his litterbox in one, and his bed and food in another, so that he can walk from kennel to kennel and have more space. As I'm typing this, he's a little out of it from his anesthesia, and I'm here to supervise the tough kitty.

I'll post again with the updates of the pathologists answer.

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