So many changes. Some good, some bad. Busy busy busy with all these changes, no time to update this blog!
Huh, where can I even start. I'll start with my 13 year old cat, Wattson. He means everything to me. He is the sweetest cat I've ever met.
He has always had a little pink bump in his ear, the vets said it was nothing. In late May/ early June, I noticed it was much bigger than before, with little scab like marks on it. We took him to the vet within a few days. Our vet had to send a piece of the mass to a pathologist, and when the results came back...
Wattson was diagnosed with cancer.
The word "cancer". My little baby cat, that had done nothing wrong, that purred when he went to the vet, that never hurt anyone, the happy go lucky cat that I'd had for 8 years and love to death, has cancer.
What was next? He had to have an entire piece of his left upper face and ear removed, his ear was sown to his head, and an incision was stitched together up through his forehead. His eye nerve that controlled his blinking was damaged in the surgery, making it so he couldn't blink. Twice a day eye gel kept his eye moist. Post surgery he was okay, but had to wear a cone, and live in Amy's crate with his litterbox, scratch pad, food and water. He couldn't be out since he could open his stitches if he tried to itch it. He was on plenty of pain meds, then he got his stitches out 10 days later, but still had to wear a cone since it wasn't fully closed.

Now he's happy. No cone, no eye gel, since the nerve has grown back mostly enabling him to blink his 3rd eyelid and mostly close his main eyelid. In 6 months, if there is no signs of cancer, he will be in remission.

Hopefully, remission will be in the near future. <3