SNOW SNOW.... and more SNOW!!

We went out and tried the Round 1 course for my agility contest. It was soooo fun! I've never taught Tarra the backside of a jump, so she was a little nsure about that. Then with the bonus course, omg she handled that like a pro! I was really surprised with her distance! Looks like our work with the weave sends really paid off! Now we need to work directionals + distance on the tunnel. Speaking of the tunnel.... AMY went though the tunnel today! AMY, YES AMY!!! Crazy right? For the past few weeks I would just toss small bits of kibble/treats and she'd put one foot in the tunnel. Today she went all the way in, so I straightened it out and she went through! Now we just have to work on curving the tunnel. I'm SO proud of her!! It was a good day. :)
2/24/2012 05:13:08 am

Way to go! The snow must make Amy crazy! :D

2/24/2012 05:42:30 am

Thank You!! She's so silly! :P


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